Do You Want More Fitness Clients Way Faster And Way Easier? 
 Do You Want More Fitness Clients 
Way Faster And Way Easier? 
 Unlock Your Fitness Empire: Get More Clients For Your Personal Training Business Fast... 
...With This Proven Marketing Hack Responsible For £22,912 Per Month.
...With This Proven Marketing Hack 
Responsible For £22,912 Per Month.
PLUS: How You Can Get Weekly Coaching Calls That Costs Less Than A Protein Tub  (Yes, Seriously)
PLUS: How You Can Get Weekly Coaching Calls That 
Costs Less Than A Protein Tub! (Yes, Seriously...)
"Yes! This Is The SAME Method That Our Clients Have Used To Successfully Scale Their Client Base To £22,912 Per Month And More!!!"

Dear Fitness Trainer, 

I'm Joey, and along with my business partner Rikki, we're on a mission to revolutionize the world of personal training, fitness and social selling

Our journey to this point has been fueled by a combination of our deep-rooted passion for digital marketing and our unwavering love for all things fitness.

For over a decade, Rikki and I have been immersed in the world of digital marketing. 

We've been in the trenches, tirelessly crafting campaigns and strategies that have sold everything from cutting-edge software to life-changing information products. 

We've weathered the ever-changing landscape of the online market, adapting and innovating along the way...

I Was SHOCKED And Couldn't Believe That 99% of Online Fitness Trainers... 
...Had Less Than 10 Clients And Were Struggling To Make Ends Meet.
But there's more to our story than just marketing prowess... 

We both share an undeniable connection to the world of fitness – a realm that goes beyond clicks and conversions.

Personally, I know what it's like to battle with excess weight and the toll it takes on your confidence and well-being.

I embarked on a transformational journey that saw me shed over 100 pounds and emerge as a stronger, fitter version of myself.
Rikki has a different approach... 

He's all about biohacking and making conscious, health-driven choices. 

His dedication to maintaining a healthy lifestyle through mindful eating and strategic choices has been nothing short of inspiring.

"The Art of Online Sales And 
The Science of Fitness"
It was the fusion of our two worlds – the art of online sales and the science of fitness – that sparked the idea for this… 

We realized that personal trainers like you, who are brimming with expertise and passion, often struggle to stand out and make a real impact with their expertise in the crowded online fitness market. 

So here we are, combining our battle-tested digital marketing strategies with our shared dedication to fitness. 

We've distilled our knowledge, successes, and failures into a powerful system that's designed to help personal trainers like you not only find your perfect target market but also thrive in the online arena.

Let's Face It, Being A Personal Trainer In Today's Digital Age Isn't A Walk In The Park...

...Every Tom, Dick And Harry Is Pretending To Be One! 
(You Know The One's We're Talking About)

The fitness industry has exploded online, flooded with endless streams of workout plans, diet tips, and wellness advice.

It's a bustling marketplace where everyone's vying for attention, and it's easy to get lost in the noise.

Maybe you've been there – pouring your heart and soul into crafting amazing training programs, curating killer content, and sharing your expertise with the world.

Yet, despite your dedication... feels like you're spinning your wheels in the mud, barely making a dent in the sea of competitors.

It's frustrating, isn't it? 
You're not alone...

...You've probably asked yourself questions like...

~ Why is it SO CHALLENGING to attract and retain clients who truly value what I offer?

~ How can I STAND OUT when everyone seems to be shouting about fitness from every digital corner?

~ Why does it feel like I'm WORKING TWICE AS HARD but seeing only a fraction of the results?

STOP Working Hard And Start Working Smart..

The truth is, the world of fitness marketing has evolved into a complex web of algorithms, trends, and platforms that can leave even the most seasoned trainers scratching their heads.

And here's the kicker...

Simply Being A Fantastic Trainer 
Isn't Enough!

Simply Being A Fantastic Trainer Isn't Enough...

It's no longer just about your expertise; 

it's about your ability to cut through the noise and connect with the right people

the ones who are eagerly seeking the exact solutions you provide.

You've likely invested hours upon hours in...

- content creation
- social media posting
- and perhaps even dabbled in paid advertising...

...YET, the results remain lackluster. 

Maybe your follower count is stagnant,

Your inbox is eerily silent

and your booking calendar isn't as full as you'd like it to be.
But it's not your fault. 
The game has changed!
...and those who can't adapt risk being left behind.
You're an amazing trainer...

...but without the right strategies,

...your skills can go unnoticed in a sea of mediocrity.
"The Stupidly Simple Fitpro Social Accelerator!"
This is the reality we're all facing in the digital fitness world – a landscape that's both promising and perilous. 

The opportunity to reach a global audience is vast, but so are the challenges standing in your way. 

It's time to confront these challenges head-on and equip yourself with the tools and tactics that will not only set you apart but propel you toward the success you deserve.

Implement Once... Reap The Rewards Tenfold! 
(...Seriously, No Joke!)
In the next few moments, you'll discover a PROVEN BLUEPRINT designed to turn the tide in your favour. 

A BLUEPRINT that will not only help you pinpoint your ideal clients but...

...also guide you through the maze of online marketing with expert insights and unwavering support.

Introducing: The FitPro 
Social Accelerator™
Imagine This...
A world where... 

...every piece of content you create

...every post you share

...and every interaction you have online resonates deeply with your ideal clients. 

A world where your marketing efforts aren't a shot in the dark, BUT a strategic dance that speaks directly to the hearts of those who are eagerly seeking your expertise.

This Isn't A Fantasy... It's REALITY!
We've helped countless fitness professionals achieve this. 

In Part 1 of our comprehensive solution...

...we'll guide you through the process of finding ...and connecting with your perfect target market.
  • 1. Uncover Your Niche Goldmine:

    Say goodbye to the generic approach that's keeping you hidden in the crowd. We'll show you how to identify a niche that aligns perfectly with your skills and passions. By narrowing your focus, you'll stand out as a specialist, not just another generic trainer.

  • 2. Craft Your Irresistible Message:

    Ever felt like your message is getting lost in translation? We've got you covered. We'll walk you through crafting a message that resonates deeply with your ideal clients. Your content will cut through the noise, capturing attention and sparking genuine interest.

  • 3. Laser-Targeted Marketing Strategies:

    No more wasting time and money on generic marketing tactics. We'll reveal our arsenal of laser-targeted strategies that ensure your message reaches the right people. From social media to email campaigns, you'll have the tools to attract those who are most likely to become loyal clients.

  • 4. Position Yourself as the Authority:

    Standing out isn't just about being visible; it's about being seen as the go-to expert in your niche. We'll show you how to establish your authority and credibility, making it easy for potential clients to choose you over the competition.

  • 5.  Connect on a Deeper Level:

    Building relationships is the heart of effective marketing. Learn how to create genuine connections with your audience, nurturing trust and loyalty that extends beyond a single transaction.

No More Theory... Only Pure 
Actionable Steps!
The strategies you'll discover in FitPro Social Accelerator™ aren't just theory - they're battle-tested techniques

...that have helped us and countless others thrive in the competitive online space. 

These are the same strategies that transformed my fitness journey and propelled Rikki's commitment to a healthy lifestyle into a thriving online presence.

It's Time To Leave Behind 
The Uncertainty And Frustration.
It's time to step into a world where your marketing efforts yield tangible results

The FitPro Social Accelerator™ is your roadmap to finding your perfect target market and creating a magnetic online presence that attracts and retains clients who are excited to work with you.

For Only £17
Yes... for about the price of a tub of protein, you can get access to a proven marketing hack that's responsible for £22,912 per month in sales... 

YES Joey! Give Me Instant Access To 'The FitPro Social Accelerator™' And Training RIGHT NOW For Just £17 !
It Doesn't Matter If You're Just Starting Out Or A Seasoned Fitness Professional... This Stupidly Simple 'FitPro Social Accelerator™' Will Work For YOU!..."
In fact...
We Have Fitness Professionals Who Have Never Coached Online Before (Heck Never Even Coached In A Gym) And Are Having Success With this Marketing Hack.
They use it to Acquire High Paying Clients without chasing lead after lead for pennies:
  • ​Stand Out From The Crowd
  • ​Be The 'Go To' Expert
  • ​Be Seen As The Pro
  • Charge Higher Prices
  • ​Works With Any Niche
  • ​Happier Clients
  • ​​No More Frustration
  • ​No More Dropouts
  • ​No More Being Broke
  • ​No More 24 Hour Instagram Syndrome
  • ​No More Chasing
Our Client Terrel Used 
...To Stand Out From Competitors And Acquire His First Few Clients Online
Terrel was an in person personal trainer for 10 years, but he tried and struggled to stand out in the crowded online PT space, He was spending $2800 a month on a social media manager, a videographer and photographer...

...yet he was failing to acquire ANY clients.. Until he implement the Stupidly Simple FitPro Social Accelerator.

He went from a Generalist to a Specialist in the space of a week! 

Charging More Money, Freeing up More of his time And Working With His Dream Clients.
So for about the price of a tub of protein, you can get access to the SAME Marketing hack Terrel Used that's also responsible for £22,912 per month in sales... 

But Wait! That's not all. Because these next bonus Takes You 5-steps further!
It's where our expertise as seasoned digital marketers comes into play. 

Let's delve into how our weekly coaching by marketing experts will elevate your fitness business to new heights.

You've laid the foundation with The FitPro Social Accelerator™, positioning yourself to capture the attention of your perfect target market. 

But let's be honest – the digital marketing landscape is dynamic and ever-changing. 

That's where our weekly high-level coaching comes in. 

Our weekly coaching will equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate this ever-evolving world with confidence.

When You Get Your Copy Of 'The FitPro Social Accelerator™' (For Just £17.00)
You'll Get "Unleash Your Fitness Business Potential with Expert Coaching" ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Coaching Purpose #1 - Personalized Guidance from the Pros:
"Insider Access From The Greatest Minds In Marketing & Sales..."
Total Value: £297
Imagine having direct access to marketing experts who have spent years in the trenches, successfully navigating the complex world of online sales. With our weekly coaching, you'll receive personalized guidance tailored to your unique business needs. No more guesswork or trial-and-error – just proven strategies delivered directly to you to help grow your fitness business!

Get This For FREE When You Order 'The FitPro Social Accelerator™' Today! 
Coaching Purpose #2 - Stay Ahead of Trends:
"Discover In REAL TIME The Strategies That Work Tomorrow..."
Total Value: £297
The digital landscape evolves at lightning speed. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. Our experts are dedicated to staying ahead of the curve, constantly researching and testing the latest trends. By joining our coaching program, you'll gain insights into the strategies that are working right now, keeping you at the forefront of your industry.

Get This For FREE When You Order 'FitPro Social Accelerator™' Today! 
Coaching Purpose #3 - Implement Like a Pro:
"Let Us Experts Show You How We Do Things At RAPID SPEED..."
Total Value: £297
Having the right strategies is one thing, but implementing them effectively is another. Our coaching isn't just about theory – it's about hands-on guidance that ensures you're executing with precision. Whether it's crafting compelling email campaigns or optimizing your social media ads, our experts will walk you through the process step by step.
Get This For FREE When You Order 'FitPro Social Accelerator™' Today! 
Coaching Purpose #4 - Problem-Solve in Real Time:
"Get RAPID FEEDBACK without being 'hung up' on your next bold action..."
Total Value: £297
Stuck on a specific challenge? Need clarity on a marketing decision? Our coaching sessions are your opportunity to get real-time solutions from experts who've faced similar hurdles. We'll help you overcome obstacles, strategize solutions, and keep your business moving forward.
Get This For FREE When You Order 'FitPro Social Accelerator™' Today! 
Coaching Purpose #5 - Accountability and Support:
"The SUREFIRE Way To Get 'Hands On', Personalised Help Within Minutes..."
Total Value: £297
We're not just coaches – we're your partners in success. Our coaching program provides the accountability and support you need to stay on track. Whether it's setting achievable goals or celebrating your wins, we're here to keep you motivated and focused.
Get This For FREE When You Order 'FitPro Social Accelerator™' Today! 
Here’s The Crazy Part… You Can Access Our Weekly Coaching & Training For Just £17.
...Our Consulting Clients Pay Us A Minimum £1000 Per Session
(Yes! We Know, We've Gone Bonkers 
At This Low Price!) 
Here’s Why Coaching Is Essential: 
Accelerated Growth: By combining your expertise with our marketing insights, you'll experience accelerated growth in your fitness business. Get ready to watch your client list expand and your revenue soar.

Increased Online Presence: Our coaching will help you shine online. Your social media platforms, website, and content will radiate professionalism and magnetize your target audience.

Enhanced Client Engagement: With our strategies, you'll engage your clients like never before. Turn passive followers into active participants, fostering a sense of community and loyalty.

Confidence in Marketing: Say goodbye to second-guessing your marketing decisions. Our coaching will instill confidence in your strategies, allowing you to market yourself effectively and authentically.

Time and Cost Savings: No more wasted efforts on tactics that yield minimal results. Our coaching will streamline your marketing efforts, saving you time and money in the long run

It's time to transform your fitness business into a well-oiled marketing machine. 
Why So Inexpensive?
We know that the online business world can be overwhelming, with countless offers promising the moon and stars. 

But here's why we're offering this comprehensive program for just £17 – it's our way of building a foundation of trust with you

We're committed to proving the real value of our expertise and strategies, showing you firsthand the positive impact they can have on your fitness business.

By making this initial investment as accessible as possible, we're inviting you to experience the transformation we can offer. 

Our aim is to earn your trust, so we can grow and succeed together in the long term. We're excited to not only help you make your fitness business thrive but also to build a lasting partnership that benefits us all.

Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price.
This can go up in price at any time, especially if we decide to sell this as a full course (which is what I’ve done with other digital products in the past).

Because of what you’re getting, we’re expecting a flood of orders.

Just imagine getting A HANDFUL OF NEW Clients from this program that gives you More Sales and More Time Freedom In Your Fitness Business!
  • What Impact Would That Have On Your Fitness Business?
  • How Would That One More Client Make You Feel Overnight!?!
All It Takes Is ONE NEW CLIENT To Set You FREE!
Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
I 100% guarantee that you'll love this product, or I'll return your £17 and let you keep the program anyway.

I’ll take all the risk on this.

If you don’t feel that The FitPro Social Accelerator™ is worth 10 times what you invested, drop me an email within 30 days of getting the training and I’ll refund your £17

No questions asked. Fair enough?

You Must Act Fast!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order 'The FitPro Social Accelerator™'.
You Could Get The Script That Has Made Me More Money Than Anything Else I've Ever Done In This Business.
YES Joey! Give Me Instant Access To 'The FitPro Social Accelerator™' And Training RIGHT NOW For Just £17!
  Instant Access To (FitPro Social Accelerator™)  (Value £297)
  Access To Coaching Calls With Me, Joey (Value £997)
  Access To Coaching Calls With My Partner, Rikki (Value £997)
  Weekly Access To Our Live Zoom Sessions  (Value £497)
  Access To Our Community Of High Flying FitPros (Value £297)
Total Value: £3,085
Today Just £17
This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your Program Now Before They're All Gone...
Okay. With that said, I hope you enjoy the program. I hope you use it.

I want to give this into your hands because I know how this can transform your fitness business forever. 

Thanks again,
Joey Xoto
P.S. Did you just skip to the bottom of the page to see what the deal was? 😊 

You get my Stupidly Simple Fitpro Social Accelerator™ and training (instant download), that is the SAME method our clients use to stand out in a crowded online fitness space! I spent over 10 years perfecting this process, and you can use it for a fraction of the time and effort I spent over the years developing the blueprint!

You also get coaching from myself and Rikki, EVERY SINGLE Week on the latest cutting-edge marketng strategies that get you clients like clockwork.. This isn’t just for Newbie personal trainers that are just starting out. This is for the seasoned personal trainer who is struggling to stand out online and not getting the traction they deserve. And it’s only £17. That’s it.

Just click the button below right now to get started! 
YES JOEY! Give Me Instant Access To 'The FitPro Social Accelerator™' RIGHT NOW For Just £17!
 Step #1: Contact Information
 Step #2: Billing Address
 Step #3: Checkout
Everything Your Going To Get
  • Instant Access To (FitPro Social Accelerator™) (Value £297)
  • Access To Coaching Calls With Joey (Value £997)
  • Access To Coaching Calls With Rikki (Value $197)
  • ​Weekly Access To Zoom Sessions (Value £497)
  • Access To High Flying FitPros  (Value £297)
Total Value: £3,085
Today Just £17

ONE TIME OFFER (Just £37):: Want our Instagram Explosion Blueprint? It's proven to get you MORE Followers, MORE Engagement And MORE Leads without wasting all your time posting content just for the sake of it! Click YES to add this to your order now for just £37! (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place)

Items Total
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
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